
Showing posts from May, 2011

No Idea At All

Have you ever face on this kind of situation? I face a lot of annoying people in my daily life whereby I'm getting used to it. I tend to get fade up sometimes. To avoid get into a volcano blast, I just keep on silent and pretend they weren't there. That kind of animal surely never ever existed in this world. lolz. Can you turn up yourself such a happy person like this? Just imagine everyone surrounding you are unhappy, and you are the only one feels great and just think positive. Can you change all of the negativity vibes surrounding you into positive? Yes you can, when people get stress or feel unhappy try to make something that might cheer them up. Some motivation words for review..... Such an adorable ... Sorry guys, I'm totally blank and I still want to update my blogs. I know it is kinda fully crap. But I hope you'll guys like it. I even do not why all of my idea suddenly poof out. Darn.