Time To Change Save Our Earth From Global Warming

Hey everybody, don't see what happen to the our world nowadays. Antarctica ice getting melted day by day, Pola Bear bearly hard to find a food cuz their food chain almost hard to find... Do you want our future generation just to see a poster of each animals on poster, pictures or on billboard on every each building without seeing it by their own eyes? Do you want our next generation to feel that our Earth in future got nothing to see but high building with a polluted air. Without any trees, tropical forest, Khatulistiwa forest and etc? Think about it people. Nowadays people only about their own benefit, profit, money ... without thinking the circumstances. Michael Jackson did sent a message on this song ... Just don't be blind ... Let's see our nature ... Animals being abuse day by day ... like they were nothing to us ... Face it people ... just imagine if you're on the animal place ... how do you feel? Glad?? Fur for clothing line? Damn stupid ... Seems there is nothing to wear ... Kill more animals just to get their skin and fur ... 


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