Chapter 16 - American Idol Season 12
American Idol Season 12, this year I think girls gonna make a lead compare to guys. Cause based on vocal, I can tell girls are superb and my goose bump rising up everytime I've heard Angie start sang her song on stage.
When she hits the not, she was like a superstar that has been singing in the music industry for years. I hope she can manage all of the critics, upside down rollercoaster ride on American Idol. Sense of wining American Idol, it's kinda too early to predict it and assume she swipe the entire trophy anything could happen on Idol people so don't stop voting on her.
Talking about the other contestant, there's one very unique person who used to be stuttered on talking and when he open out his mouth on stage wow .. where's the stutter went to. That's miracle, he reminds me of Gareth Gates. Speaking about Gareth Gates, it's been a years haven't heard any news from him and the last news I read on one of the article he was married and get birth a daughter or boy can't remember it well. Oh my bad, it was Lazaro Arbos.
On the left Lazaro Arbos and on the right side the Pop Idol Gareth Gates. If you do not know who is Gareth Gates you've got something problem with your memory everyone knows him well. If Lazaro could portray his voice much more like what Gareth's did surely he can beat the entire contestant.
I guess tomorrow right Thursday on Malaysian Time, American Idol Top 9 shall be premier on Star World. If you are forgetful enough it much recommended for you to put a reminder on your pocket or your mobile phone on it. But, just in case you still forget about it eventhough zillion times of reminder has been buzzing the entire, you've got something problem with your ears, brain and need to see a doctor haha ..
Okay that's all from me, nothing much about the contestant I only mention the name who is catch my attention much. Until next time people.